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Originally born in Hagerstown, Maryland, Felicity Shafer is a Northern Virginia based artist who specializes in drawing, printmaking, and mixed media techniques. She received her Bachelor of Fine Art degree at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2024. Felicity uses her practice to create compelling images portraying feelings of anxiety and panic in a visual manner, creating a space for viewers to both understand relate to. Having been diagnosed as a child with General Anxiety Disorder, and as an adult with Panic Disorder, she uses her artistic practice as a form of catharsis and to bring her stories to light. She strives to create a space for individuals who experience anxiety and panic to know they are not alone in their feelings and experiences.

Artist Statement

I often mask an internal anxiety with a calm, composed exterior. I convey this composure in the form of cute colors and lines in the form of various printmaking techniques, stitching, drawing, and mixed media tactile pieces. I use my art as a form of catharsis while masking my struggles with anxiety, acceptance, and guilt behind saturated color and bold, flat images. I seek to bring beauty out of my experiences and to bring to light issues my heart and body have dealt with and continue to struggle with as my life goes on.




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